Author: admin

In Loving Memory of Huan Lee
8-29-1939 — 6-1-2012
Huan Lee, 73, passed away at the Alta Bates Medical Center in Berkeley, California, on Friday, June 1, 2012.
He was born in Chongqing, Sichuan province, China, on August 29, 1939, to Shang-Lin and Sheng-Wei Lee. He worked as a physicist at the Lab from 1976 until he retired in 2004 and moved to the San Francisco Bay Area.
He loved spending time in White Rock canyon, playing tennis under the lights, hosting Go club meetings, taking his lunch breaks at the skating rink and bombing down the black diamond runs on Pajarito Mountain.
He is survived by his son Charlton, his daughter Angie, four grandchildren and his second wife Ying.